
Picked up an iPhone 4S at subsidized price, with a company discount on the contract.

Unfortunately work restricts which devices can connect to the in-house secure wifi and via Citrix to the work applications. Although official Android support is planned, chances are I’ll be long gone before it’s properly implemented.

So two years with an iPhone it is.

I love that everything I had on Android syncs flawlessly with the equivalent apps on the iPhone, and if I feel like switching back to Android or WinPhone later, the option will always be there.

Also, huge plus: Mushihime on the phone. It’s all good


bq. Perhaps this might all be easier to swallow if the game had competent dialogue or voice acting that didn’t sound like a hammy 80s sitcom set to quadruple speed for maximum squeakiness.

Ouch, burn…

“FF13-2 review @ Joystiq”:http://www.joystiq.com/2012/01/28/final-fantasy-xiii-2-review-fixing-the-past/

Probably will still bite at some point.

DDP Daioujou (Blissful Death)

Looks like Cave is going for the less costly straight port route again, like they did with Mushi. Not clear if this is going to run on the iPad or just the iPhone though.

Too bad, since they attempted the IAP model with Deathsmiles – although I haven’t a clue about the exact numbers, I’d guess that the sky-high cost of IAP coupled with a higher price point for the game itself probably contributed to its failure (relatively speaking). Which is just too bad, because I’d gladly pay more for another iPhone mode with awesome remixed music.

Rayforce iOS

“Taito’s Rayforce is out for iPhone.”:http://tap.taito.com/en/rayforce.html

It’s $11.99. Online impressions seem to suggest that the emulation isn’t all too great.

Complete Guide ebook

The 7D 2020 Complete Guide is “available online as an ebook”:http://bookwalker.jp/pc/detail/e205dd12-45f2-4510-a88b-0658579f8a65/ if you have access to BOOK☆WALKER.

The app for Android is region locked, unfortunately, and the iOS app is only available on the Japanese App Store, so it’s basically a Japan-only thing for now.


This week’s mobile technological breakthrough straight from Japan

“ChiraShot for Android”:https://market.android.com/details?id=jp.wfa.sumaso.livewallpaper62

Take photos of girls dancing with ChiraRhythm!

 # # Content # #
1. The absolute area of ​​the girl photographed dancing hard.
2. Moment three times.
3. You can go to the next stage if the total purchase amount exceeds the standards of the photo.
4. The image is displayed on the screen before the game starts, the higher is the best shot. Let this aim.

Oh, there’s even a “video”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOiEhFFy9zs

Cave Holiday Sale

“Cave is having an iOS sale right now”:http://www.cave-world.com/en/sp/android-yarouze-contest-sale/ – something they rarely do

Espgaluda II $5.99
Espgaluda II HD $10.99
Dodonpachi Resurrection $5.99
Mushihimesama Bug Panic $0.99
Deathsmiles $6.99

Android stuff still only available in Japan and Korea and running on GMO’s “G-Gee” crap.

Quickie merchandise update

“Official site update for 12/16″:http://jrpg.jp/news/?nid=307


* Official soundtrack as mentioned previously
* Clear files being sold at Winter Comiket only :(
* T-shirts being sold pretty much everywhere, I saw them listed on CDJapan prior to the last update. I guess if you want to wear a white shirt with samurai girl on the front, or a black shirt with the Murakumo logo, they’ve got you covered.

!/images/38.jpg! !/images/37.jpg!

Assorted shmuppage

* Mushi iOS fuck yeah! Arcade (“Hell”) mode is insane and a painful reminder of how much I suck at shooters. Also, lower price point ♥
* I’m so tempted to pick up an iPhone just so I can take the game on the road with me. But the Galaxy Nexus is $150 on Amazon…
* Gundemonium Recollection “added some Christmas colors to the mix”:http://steamcommunity.com/id/pxtable/screenshot/612719780963347308
* “Satazius”:http://store.steampowered.com/app/203990/ now on Steam for $6. Not picking this one up – too many shmups, too little time.

But what I’m really playing right now is “Privateer”:http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/wing_commander_privateer which is $3 along with the rest of the old Wing Commander games on GOG.



3,150 JPY. Release date 12/21.

“5pb records”:http://5pb.jp/records/release/detail/detail.php?records_product_code=FVCG-1187


The bad news: No Miku version on this. I presume there will be another version at some point.