“Famitsu coverage of live event”:http://www.famitsu.com/news/201111/23005879.html.
OK this might be too much to translate (interview at the bottom). But if you’re curious what Yuzo Koshiro, Rieko Kodama, and sasakure.UK look like, “check out the last photo”:http://www.famitsu.com/images/000/005/879/4eccca00a2e5e.html (that’s them in order, to the right of the samurai cosplayer.
Also there’s Niinou offscreen (why??) and some actual gameplay this time! I had some stuff written up about the video but then I closed the browser window yesterday Oh well, I’ll do it again later. Gameplay looks more Persona and less Dragon Quest by the minute.
Aand finally, the game’s out! Looks like my order is ready to ship ♥
Since I lost my iPod I was, of course, more than happy to open it up.
And of course the first app I purchased was Espgaluda II HD.
It’s actually harder than the iPhone version because you now have to sweep your hand across the screen to move, whereas before it was possible to dodge gigantic swarms of bullets with relatively small movements.
Backgrounds are upscaled, but the sprites are completely redrawn. I’m somewhat indifferent about the new remixed music – honestly I have to confess I enjoyed Hyadain’s remix for Dodonpachi a bit more.
Nevertheless I’m looking forward to more Cave goodness in the near future.
Another random Tokyo cutscene video featuring “the remaining survivors of mankind” etcetc. Hey some of these characters look familiar…
“There’s more detailed art of them here”:http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20111118_491743.html – I guess Emel is American or something how about that.
Also, more importantely, more Aitel
“20min podcast from Gamers1 interviewing the staff.”:http://www.gamers1.jp/colweb/radio/2011/111117/111117.php I’ll have to take a second look at this one later, it’s fairly long.
“Short 15sec TV spot on Youtube”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N2NrvPaOok
-Apparently more coming tomorrow too!- Or not – “there’s a second official news update dated 11/18 which just contains the video above”:http://jrpg.jp/news/?nid=276
Super busy tonight don’t have time to bother with descriptions, maybe later
Wait that’s sort of what I’ve been doing for the last few weeks
“4gamer has some nice Trickster art and more NPC descriptions”:http://www.4gamer.net/games/132/G013284/20111114004/. Are those … are those the Rogue’s dagger poison skills from 7D? Why yes, I believe they are.
“Rescue minigame on official site”:http://dragon2020.sega.jp/rescue/index.php, uses twitter followers. Sigh I feel like I need a new twitter account to do this, don’t especially want to bother any IRL friends with this stuff. Actually first off i’m sort of concerned, the chibicharas have … bouncing boobs, seriously? Sega goddamnit
Incidentally there’s been some kind of ongoing promotion with the puchi-BRS game over on niconico, something about 7D style avatars.
I don’t care how fleeting a moment this is, but it appears that “I’ve momentarily captured the #1 non-Japanese spot on the Gundeadligne Steam online rankings”:http://steamcommunity.com/id/pxtable/screenshot/614968094988956240. Missed TLB on this run, but managed to squeak out a 1-ALL. Whoa! I’m #1 in something that nobody else is playing!
It’s a pretty crappy score and I didn’t get the TLB. Guess what, I don’t care