Prequel confirmed for brawl

“Rieko Kodama’s greetings, vol. 1″:

> 今作は、映画スターウォーズシリーズにおけるエピソード4~6の後に、エピソード1~3が作られたような感じだとご理解していただければと思います。
> 前作の続きものということではありませんので、新たに手にとられる方も、特に違和感なくプレイしていただけるかと思います。

I don’t know if this counts as the official weekly update but there is some text from Kodama stating that you should think of the new game as Star Wars Episodes 1-3, since the ending to the original 7th Dragon was pretty definitive and there isn’t much room for a sequel there.

I hope she’s aware that 1-3 were terrible…? Haha.

Should also point out that there are five character portraits on the 7d 2020 site, reload to see them all.

New impression movie is coming Soon™.

Also some text about Miwa Shiro, and about making the game friendlier than the last installment on the DS.